First Contact

Written for @Mocharaid on Twitter.

The stars twinkled far above the Earth. Since antiquity, humans stared up at them wondering if they stared back. Modern science assured them that the stars do not stare back. They sit light years away, burning balls of gas. Little did they know that they did watch. They watched as society developed from simple kings to complex slave societies, from feudal kingdoms to capitalist empires.

The Ek’en’ had long moved beyond what they saw on the planet. Wars between nations, genocides constructing those nations justifying billions exploited for profit by a ruling class. From their perch among the stars, they saw in the Earth their past of brutality, exploitation, and domination.

But Earth wasn’t content to stagnation. The planet rose up against their masters and tore apart their chains. Capitalism poisoned the water, polluted the air, and destroyed the forests. But the mass of workers tore it apart piece by piece. A new society, no longer organized around hierarchy and domination, but through free association of producers.

In the sky of this new world a shooting star fell. A round metal ball up close, with four wire legs trailing behind. This spaceship, the Ente’resh, housed three three long legged birds with impressive crests. Ned’era checked the engines, zar crest bright green. Akel’esh manned the controls, err crest golden. Ek’ibe’ paced furtively, its crest grey.

Akel’esh guided the ship through the atmosphere at a breakneck speed. Esh pulled back on a bar on the control panel with err clawed foot and the descent began to slow. Below, a city approached. Skyscrapers covered in plants, vines hanging down their sides, flowers blooming against them. Life overflowed.

On the ground, humans sauntered about talking with each other as they move around. The ship slowed as it approached the city, casting a shadow over the crowd. They stalled above the crowd and hovered there for a moment as the crowd parted to let them touch down.

Ek’ibe’ led the three of them out of the ship with a flutter of its wings.

“Greetings, humans.” It bowed respectfully. “I am Ek’ibe’ of the Ek’en’. These are my comrades Akel’esh and Ned’era. We have watched your people for a long time and I am proud to be able to finally meet you.”

The crowd stared. Whispers passed through the crowd. Finally, one human stepped forth.

“It is nice to meet you, Ek-uh-ibe-uh,” the human said, mangling the pronunciation of its name. “I am Sam. You can refer to me with xe/xem pronouns. It is nice to meet you.”

Xe bowed, mimicking the bow it had given the crowd, then extended a hand toward it. Ek’ibe’ took xyr hand and shook it. First contact between two free peoples.

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This article was updated on 2021, January 08

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